Each year, around 1.3 million women in the US hit menopause…and 99% are unaware and unready for what’s waiting. That’s because so many of us aren’t told what to expect from menopause beyond vague symptoms like hot flashes or night sweats. We’re certainly not shown how to deal with the ups-and-downs or how to make this time one where we can thrive.
Most women know that menopause and hormones go hand-in-hand, but not much beyond that in many cases. So today, we’re going to explore what’s actually going…so buckle up, this is your crash course in hormones, menopause, dangers to watch out for, and possibly the best way through these years!
The 3 Hormones That Shape Your Menopause
While you have more than 50 hormones in your body, it’s two “sex hormones” that act as the catalysts behind menopause…along with a lesser and unexpected third player.
Estrogen: Your Feminine Foundation
Estrogen is the core of your feminine vitality, controlling everything from menstrual cycles to bone strength and heart health. But its job doesn’t end there—estrogen also helps keep your mind clear, mood steady, and skin smooth.
As you move into menopause, your estrogen levels start to drop. Since this hormone is the key to keeping your body balanced, lower levels start to trigger changes like hot flashes, mood swings, and your skin drying out. More seriously, your bones can weaken and heart health can become a problem.
Progesterone: The Calming Hormone
Progesterone is the hormone of balance and calm. Beyond the part it plays in pregnancy, progesterone helps regulate your cycles, supports sleep, and soothes the mind. It’s the hormone that keeps anxiety at bay and gives you a better night’s rest.
Just like estrogen, progesterone also dips during menopause. This can mess with your sleep, allow anxiety to creep in, and cause irregular periods as menopause approaches. When progesterone gets too low, you can feel off-balance both physically and emotionally.
Testosterone: The Overlooked Hormone
Think only men need testosterone? Nope, women need it too…just not as much as guys (we only have 10-20% of what they do). For us, it boosts libido, muscle tone, energy levels, as well as focus and mood.
When you hit menopause…yep, you guessed it! Your T-levels sink like a stone. You’ll know when it does as your energy drops, your libido dries up, and muscle tone fades. So even though testosterone doesn’t get the attention of its two “siblings”, it’s still vital for keeping you strong and motivated, especially during menopause.
But before you rush to grab the nearest hormone cream to rebalance your levels, you might want to read this first…
The Dark Side Of Hormone Products

It’d be great if all hormone products could just “work”, but the reality is they’re not all created equal.
Many products come with an unwanted surprise known as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals include parabens, phthalates, and other toxins usually found in plastics or adhesives. These disruptors screw up your body’s natural hormone balance and trigger a swarm of nasty health issues, like increased risk of diabetes or cancers. You’ll often find endocrine disrupting chemicals (or EDCs) hiding in everyday products such as food packaging or cosmetics.
What Your Doctor’s Not Telling You

Finding the right hormone products may not be your biggest hurdle, though. There’s a secret most doctors don’t tell patients when it comes to menopause and hormones. It’s the sad truth that many don’t know what they’re talking about...and most women can tell. One recent survey found that 65% of American women felt their doctor trivialized, dismissed, or flat-out ignored their concerns, menopause or otherwise.
This is almost criminal, because these doctors or specialists can scare or lead women away from the help they need to navigate menopause in the best way possible. Left without the right support and hormones, they can struggle with symptoms for years and come out the other side sicker, frailer, and more likely to face serious health problems.
So…if hormone products can hide hormone disruptors and doctors can’t help you, what’s the answer?
The Hormone Revolution
With the revolution of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (or BHRT), millions of women have snatched back control of their health and hormones, instead of the other way around.
BHRT works by replenishing hormones that your body’s struggling to produce itself. When you renew your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, you can reduce or sometimes even eliminate menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings. More importantly, you feel “normal” again…because your hormones get back to where they were.
But that’s just the beginning of how BHRT can change the game. It’s also been shown to improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, enhance mental clarity, and support overall well-being and longevity.
There’s one HUGE difference between BHRT and traditional hormone therapy. BHRT uses hormones chemically identical to those your body naturally produces. This means you don’t introduce any synthetic compounds into your body that you might be unsure about.
The Bad News About BHRT
So that’s the good news about BHRT. The bad news is that not every BHRT protocol is right for you. Remember those endocrine disruptors I mentioned earlier? Some bioidentical hormones contain these “extras” and other toxins, so it’s crucial to check any hormones you use are rigorously tested for purity and safety, like the hormones we use in The Healthy Hormone Club.
One more thing to look for when considering BHRT: what other support you get. Some BHRT providers offer a holistic service to lift every part of your health, while others send the hormones your way and wish you all the best (trust me, there’s much more to thriving in menopause than just hormones).
So before you dive into anything, I recommend you do a little leg-work and make sure any BHRT provider you look at ticks most of the boxes below.
Want The Best BHRT? Make Sure You Check These Boxes…
Menopause Is A Life Stage, Not A Life Sentence
Menopause doesn’t have to be a nightmare or the “end”. A little knowledge goes a long way, so educating yourself about what’s happening to your body (or will) gives you the best chance to make sure out-of-balance hormones don’t run your life. You’re also less likely to be misled by doctors who may not know as much as you (or they) think.
I can’t recommend Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy enough, as I’ve seen thousands of women’s lives changed using it. If you’re curious about BHRT and hormone restoration in general, you can find out more here