What is the Feel GOOD Now! Transformation Method (FGNTM) Online experience? I have taken the most powerful elements of my

 Feel Good Now Transformation Method, Private Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions and Private Elite Coaching

and put together a group online experience that will give you the building blocks to not only Feel Good Now but also helps you transform your life.

In this online course I have included powerful tools to reset nervous system and then proactive tools to create your FEEL GOOD Daily along with subconscious tools to remove some of the most common blocks I have witnessed in 99% of my private clients.

Self sabotage and feelings of not good enough block us from our most powerful self and that I why I have made sure to include some of my most impactful hypnosis recordings as an added bonus feature like I am ENOUGH, Making Healthy Choices, Deep Restorative Sleep & Healing Energy and more!


Jen is affectionately referred to by Dr. Michelle Sands as the C.T.O (Chief Transformation Officer) of Glow Natural Wellness.

Jen Lawton, is an inspirational joy and empowerment MIND-BODY BREAKTHROUGH specialist, Certified Master Life Transformation/NLP Coach, motivational speaker and Certified Master Hypnotherapist specializing in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT*). She masterfully blends powerful conscious/subconscious tools and techniques like RTT (*releases blocks and limiting beliefs) with effective healing modalities like HeartMath and EFT/TFT, to process what is holding people back from living their passion.

Many people live with chronic stress, experiencing overwhelm, depression/anxiety and lack of energy/ fulfillment. Clients learn to quickly access their calm/healing response and peak performance habits using new insights and mind-body tools to move past the “I’ll feel better when..” trap into the tremendous power of creating “feel good NOW”! Jen loves to harness the power of the mind so people get results exponentially faster

Her clients report enjoying better sleep, health and increased clarity, mood and energy as they find their aligned path forward into joy and empowered healing. Jen delivers results with love, warmth and fun, as clients quickly make powerful changes to achieve what they most desire.


Transformation Method Work?

The Feel Good NOW! Transformation Method has five steps that guide you into the calm, healing response your body needs so that you can truly live with joy, live in harmony with your body, and ultimately pursue your passions.


What do you REALLY want? What is getting in the way? This step is about identifying and removing the past programming that is sabotaging your current results! One client said, “it was like I was trying to skip with cement boots on!” This first step is about creating clarity and FREEDOM from the sabotage that is undermining your future.


YOUR aligned CHOICES and new empowering beliefs are instilled in your mind! We work together to make sure that your mind is aligned and EXCITED about what you are creating. We make peak performance your new familiar, with focus from your mind on reaching the target. You now have the power of your subconscious and unconscious mind working FOR you instead of derailing your progress.


Now that there is alignment with your choices, we concentrate on making sure that your energy and actions are focused on activities, thoughts, and habits that create energy. We look for any places that drain your energy so that you can sustain peak performance all day, in all areas!


Continuing to add to the Feel Good NOW! tools and rewarding your success, you rewire your brain into this state. Your body and mind look to feel good over time as this neural pathway is visited and strengthened over time. This habit of creating your Feel Good NOW is the new normal. It goes from something you DO to someone you ARE.


Once there is alignment with what you say you want and what you do, we work together to determine how to best support you living in your PASSION. With the energy of a system in the calm and healing response, feeling aligned with your choices and habits creates the desire in the heart and mind to pursue what you are passionate about. The sky’s the limit!

What Should You Expect When Working With Jen?

  • Learn to create and live a daily plan for peak performance
  • How to quickly reset into your calm and healing response.
  • Awareness and tools to optimize energy.​
  • Tools to create your joy, empowerment, and feel Good Now in the moment.​

Jen says, “there is tremendous healing power to bringing in the ‘feel good’ NOW. I used to say I will feel good when I feel better, and that is partially true; however, there are so many powerful tools to help people shift and create their feel good NOW. Clients learn to harness the power of their minds, remove blocks, and empower themselves so they heal exponentially faster!”

As you work alongside Jen, she will help you uncover the meaning and interpret events so that you can change them.

Using power tools like RTT*, Jen helps to draw out ‘unfinished business’, such as addressing the trauma that you may have been holding onto for many years.

What is truly fascinating is it is not the event itself that usually causes us trouble, but what the mind makes it mean that becomes an issue. Jen works with her clients to remove the meanings that no longer help, and instill the empowering and exciting thoughts to create what you most desire!

Frequently Asked Questions:

When does it start? How long does it last?

This class starts any time that you want to join… how about right NOW?   The class can be completed in 6 weeks, but you are invited to view and implement this life changing content at your own pace.  See below for course outline*


PLUS EXTRA BONUS:  we will have LIVE Q&A sessions every other week to make sure you keep connected, learning and growing.

What does it cost?

The cost of the Feel GOOD Now Transformation Method with all the amazing tools, recordings and live ongoing Q&A classes is only $695!!

What if I can not attend live?

All good! We would love to see you live during our weekly meetings but all the lessons, recordings and any live Q&A will be recorded so you can attend live or watch later. All the materials and recordings will be available in your client portal.

Can I ask questions? Get coaching?

YES! Every other week I will be hosting a LIVE question and answer call; I will also open up to coaching you right there!

YES! I am in…. what do I do next?

Click the “Join the Feel Good Method!  Transformation Method Online” button, and dive right in! I am thrilled to welcome you to Feel GOOD Now Transformation Method Online Group!

*Below is an outline for the online group: some elements may change. Anything highlighted in YELLOWis a hypnosis recording used to align the subconscious with conscious mind to help remove blocks from achieving your desired results.



All is well tools/ foundational reset tools

  • Positive Nuero-plasticity
  • How to create your feel good… early and often.
  • AM/PM routine-
  • Hand on Heart- smile- deep breathing
  • Meditation x 2 day
  • Tapping (EFT)
  • Laughter yoga
  • Sleep. Gratitude journal. Deep breathing. Smile

BONUS WEEK 1 MATERIAL= POWERFUL RESET TOOLS:  Coaching call that helps create a solid base of tools to reset the parasympathetic system; handout regarding Havening/ Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Ho’oponopono included.

2: WEEK 2 Q&A: answer questions, laser coaching and review of tools already shared + FEEL GOOD NOW TOOLS


3: WEEK 3: RULES OF THE MIND (ROM)/ MIND AS ALLY AND BFF/ programming your mind to know you are good enough, loveable and amazing!

Rules of the mind and programming your mind!!

I AM ENOUGH*: RECORDING INCLUDED (self esteem/ self sabotage):


4: WEEK 4: Q&A: answer questions, laser coaching and review of tools already shared + FEEL GOOD NOW TOOLS

Energy: draining vs. regenerative

Healing Energy Vortex recording

5: WEEK 5 : Healthy choices, movement and sleep

Programming Healthy choices recording

Deep Healing Sleep Recording

6 : WEEK 6: Q&A: answer questions, laser coaching and review of tools already shared + FEEL GOOD NOW TOOLS

FGNTM daily recording 7 daily= this powerful recording combines the most powerful practices like love, gratitude, forgiveness and visualization all in one recording!

NEXT STEPS: ONE ON ONE CALL with Jen to check in on your progress

Value over $7,500 JOIN NOW for only $695!!

6 video Modules:


Reset FGNTM tools- Mindset/Heartset/


Bonus Video tools:


Bonus recordings:


On going LIVE Q&A


Email access to Jen 


FGNTM Community


(7) POWERFUL Self Hypnosis Recordings:









You can see more about what I do at my webpage: https://shop.glownaturalwellness.com/pages/jen

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to connecting with you soon!



Feel GOOD Now Member Reviews

Jen’s positive energy, knowledge and heart for helping others transcends time, space (and technology). So whether in person or online, whether a long-time practitioner of meditation and transformational therapies or a newcomer wanting to learn, Jen’s Feel Good Now program will change your life.

Marie- Professional Photographer

Jen, I am getting so much out of your group. It is such a bonus to meet every 2 weeks so we can fine tune the skills you’ve taught us and continue growing with new tools. Your smile, laugh, encouraging words, and tools are such a lift. Practice and making skills a part of my day definitely makes a difference. My dad is in Hospice and it’s very difficult, but peace shows up with the help of tapping, meditation, smiling heart and other tools. I’d be one big puddle without your support Jen.

Patty- Counselor

I began the FGNTM class with some trepidation, wondering if I could add anything more to my days and feeling overwhelmed. Thankfully I listened to the little voice that said “there is something here for you.” What I found was a wonderful set of tools and a compassionate teacher. Jen’s approach helped me to move at my own pace, trust my intuition and do what felt right to me. Her personal attention and suggestions showed me how to incorporate the practices into my life in ways that are both functional and enjoyable. The practices are helping me feel calmer, more grounded and happier and are becoming an important part of my healing journey. Jen’s enthusiasm, warmth and energy are as important as the practices themselves not only in modeling what she teaches but in creating a space of safety for growth and change.

Lauren- Artist

The FGNTM course has been instrumental in helping me be more present and calm in my life. There are so many tools provided to help transform negative or unwanted thoughts and be happy no matter what is going on. Jen delivers all these tools in such a positive energy and is so full of love and happiness. You can’t help but be affected by it all. 

Karen- Homeschooling Mom of 2

I really truly believe u are changing the world! Your tools, smile, heart, wisdom, energy, and unconditional love have changed my life in the best way possible! I’m so grateful! This amazing adventure you started us on is beyond my wildest dreams! I also can’t believe it’s going to continue! I feel like I won the lottery! U rock!

Penny- former school counselor

With my private clients Elite Feel Good Now Transformation Method package it will cost $2499 to work with me one on one and if you’d like details about this program please visit my webpage and book a complimentary consultation: https://shop.glownaturalwellness.com/pages/jen