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Dangers Of Aluminum Foil And New Recipe: Fish In A Bag

Paxton and I are in the kitchen again!

If you’re baking fish or roasting vegetables for dinner tonight, chances are you’ll wrap your food or line your tray with aluminum foil. What you may not realize is that some of the aluminum will leach into your meal – and this could be bad for your health.

While the human body is designed to excrete small amounts of aluminum efficiently, these days most of us are exposed to far more than we can safely detoxify. Aluminum is also present in corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices and tea. It’s used in cooking utensils, drinking water, and in personal care products and OTC drugs like antacids, aspirin and antiperspirants.

Aluminum is linked to degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Numerous studies confirm high concentrations of aluminium in the brain tissue of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminium poses other health risks, too. Studies have suggested that high aluminium intake may be harmful to some patients with bone diseases or renal impairment. It also reduces the growth rate of human brain cells.

Today we are revamping one of my old stand-by recipes that called for cooking the meal in tin-foil packets. Over the years, I’ve learn a lot about the dangers of aluminum exposure, and how this toxic element can leach into our food – especially when used during cooking or to store warm foods. This is especially problematic with acidic, salty, or spicy dishes.

I hung on to my aluminum foil – simply because I hate scrubbing pans, and aluminum foil made for such simple clean up. I get it, finding the time to cook a meal is hard enough – let alone the mess afterwards.

Paxton and I have your back. Today we ditch the foil and prepare “Fish in a Bag” (or Fish en Papillote if you want to impress your friends) in Paxton’s Paleo Kitchen ?

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